Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its Christmas card season!

Every year, Christmas making personalized cards at the Carney-Leamy house is like pulling teeth. I love doing them every year, but Jeff absolutely hates them. My favorite is from Missoula, when Molly took our picture in front of the river. I belive the next year Jeff protested to the point where we didn't do one, then the next year, Jeff protested again and we sent out cards with a pic of Grady. Last year we sent out another family photo. Not sure if we will have time this year, but I do love them so much. So, which one do you like the best?


  1. I like the one in fron of the river!!!! TOO cute! H--- Heather McCray

  2. I vote for any with you and Jeff in it. Pet photos are fine, but much more fun with humans in them, too!

  3. Kyle, you have just inspired my next blog, titled "the things I've put my dog through."

  4. send out a picture with you and jeff as Mary and Joseph and Gradey as baby Jeesus?
